Monday, 21 May 2012

How not to seek serenity

I've occasionally written about the benefits of mindfulness, but when I came across this clip the other day I realised I've missed a major aspect, and that's how to still the perpetually wandering mind.

Now, whilst this clip mightn't precisely help you relax and achieve a restful state, it will give an insight into how meditation and relaxation are tackled (and I use the word advisedly) by many people.
So, if you feel stuck, frustrated, out of sorts, and that your wandering mind means you suck at this meditation, mindfulness or relaxation thing, remember that it's perfectly normal. When you talk to a wise teacher they'll look at you with compassion and remind you quite honestly that's how it is for everyone.

Beating yourself up about it, haranguing yourself with annoyed phrases and demands to relax are the aspects that don't help!

Enjoy, and please let me know how you go :)


Anonymous said...

Why do I have a sudden desire to rush out and drive over an innocent pedestrian?

Sue said...

Delores, that's brilliant! I wish I'd had warning though, because I'm chocking on my muesli :) said...

I'm afraid that robot's voice is as relaxing as hearing fingernails cross a chalkboard. But I do appreciate the reminder that our minds don't like to quiet down. A 7-minute stint of meditation is about as much as I can hope for these days.


Sue said...

Hi Robyn, for me the fingernails are much worse! Seven minutes sounds pretty darn good to me!

Jessica L. Celaya said...

Thanks for the reminder to relax. I tend to forget.

Sue said...

and thank you for the reminder too Jessica, it was just what I needed right now :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sue .. what a great clip - actually it's probably a good prompt for us all - can't forget Dalek speak .. great photos in between too .. fun - enjoyed that ... cheers Hilary

Sue said...

Hello Hilary, whilst I don't feel relaxed after watching it, I am smiling - I think it captures the rather stressful nature of relaxation!