Friday, 25 November 2011

Follow the money trail and you find ...

*Alliterative drabble for the letter D,  re-posted from the 2011 A-Z Blogging Challenge at jumpingaground.  (edited)

Hundreds of distinguished scientists drown us in detailed data describing the devastation that will dampen our spirits due to our voracious determination to drill for oil continuously and use all the dark coal completely 'till it disappears forever.

Those with vested interests delve deviously to detect a difference of opinion, then jeer delightedly and defame the dedicated scientists calling them dreary, deranged and deluded. They are determined to make a dramatic beat up and decide to discredit the danger. 

Oh dear; ruthless dealers, dumping on the deeply knowledgeable. 

Dangerously deluded politicians also choose to ignore our Earth’s degeneration.

Dollars dominate.

We need all the help we can get.

A Drabble is a story told in 100 words. No more, no less.



Manzanita said...

Dear Sue, I see you are getting ready for another April's fun. That was ambitious and a year is like the blink of an eye. I like themes too but so far I don't have the foggiest what it will be.

Sue said...

Manzanita, I have no doubt you'll come up with something fantastic. It was a fun (if exhausting) month wasn't it!

Sue said...
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Arlee Bird said...

Well, dat's "D" Bomb.

Would you like to share your A to Z experience? See this week's post.
Blogging from A to Z

Sue said...

Lee, thanks so much, I'd be honoured.

Betty, welcome! Lee is a great mentor, and you'll find the group here welcoming and friendly on the whole. The A-Z challenge is ... well I suppose reading the reflections posts is a good way to get a feel for it from different perspectives.