Thursday 29 April 2010

CDAA Workshop: 14. Business Plans

(This post forms part of a series of powerpoint slides from a presentation I gave at the Career Development Association of Australia Conference 2010 entitled: The Roller-coaster Ride from Permanent Part-time Employee to Private Practitioner.)

One of the many tools available for free to assist in the setting up of your business.

I also borrowed books from the library like "Business Planning for Dummies".

I wonder how useful they are in the "day dream" phase though, as sometimes rigid planning seemed to stifle the creativity I needed for this new venture.

My carry on luggage for the conference was heavy with all the freebies I'd accumulated over the last few years. I brought them along in the hope that someone might like to use them to assist in setting up their own career development private practice. In general there's little given for free for business start-ups, although having said that, I do like the free "Yellow Pages" listing - it's minimal, and has consistently brought me clients.


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